'Controversial issues' are topics on which different groups have built irreconcilable arguments. Therefore, they divide society.

Controversial topics are typically played out through public channels like news media, electoral politics, and social media. What perhaps most distinguishes a controversial topic from mere disagreement is the heated, sometimes emotional, and often diametrically opposed viewpoints that frame a given issue. People often bring religious beliefs, personal ethics, business interests and countless other deeply held feelings into controversial debate topics.

And of course, many controversial political topics also carry very really consequences, as shown by the very current public debates over abortion rights, the call for stricter gun control laws, global climate change and other high-stakes issues. That why many of these controversial issues engender strong enough disagreement to inspire organization, political action, protest, and policy development.


Easy or painless death, or the intentional termination of the life of a person suffering from an incurable or painful illness, at the request of the same. Also called mercy killing.

What do I think about euthanasia?

I am totally in favor, I think that people who suffer from a terminal illness have the right to decide on their rest, on how and when to stop their pain and choose whether to continue or not.

These people have no chance of being cured by medicine and usually suffer too much physical and mental damage. I think that the right to self-determination of each terminal person, sole owner of their own life, should be respected.


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